416-488-2588 info@NTIMusic.com NorthTOMusic

Guitar Lessons

Learn step-by-step how to play the guitar while also becoming skilled at reading music, developing a good sense of rhythm, and playing in ensembles.

Learn to play guitar

NTIM Instructors

Massimo Guida

Massimo Guida

Massimo Guida is a Toronto-based Italian-Canadian composer, guitarist, educator, theorist, and copyist. University of Toronto (Bmus. Hons., Mmus., D.M.A.) http://www.massimoguida.com/ Born in Italy, he later completed his doctoral studies in composition at the University of Toronto in 2019, under the supervision of Professor Christos Hatzis. He previously also completed his undergraduate and Master’s studies in […]

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Jesse began studying violin with Sheila nearly 5 years ago, and has made steady progress from day 1. Sheila is flexible with her teaching style and is positive, patient and understanding. She challenges him, and always provides good guidance and advice. Jesse greatly appreciates that she asks him for his opinion about both his playing and repertoire, helping him develop his ear, self-confidence, and engagement in his learning. The school’s twice-yearly recitals provide us with the opportunity to perform together (with me accompanying him) – a special experience for us both.

Karen Elkin


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